Friday 9 February 2018

A well deserved half term break

Well done Year 3 for a fabulous half term. We have certainly covered a great deal of work and hopefully had some fun whilst doing it. We have enjoyed our 'View from a Window' big bang; learnt loads about the human body, skeleton and healthy eating; completed our maths unit on measurement; created superhero dances and so much more in just seven weeks. However, looking at the children and teachers this morning, we feel everyone is ready to recharge their batteries.

This week we also enjoyed Internet safety day where the children had assemblies, discussions and then activities in class to reinforce just how important it is to think responsibly when playing online. You could ask your child what they did for Internet Safety day and see what they remember.

Below we have included some fun links that if your child happens to find themselves at a loose end this holiday, they may enjoy. 

Measurement games

Grammar games

Mental maths practise

Next term we will enjoy more of the same but with a few changes. You also have our class assembly to look forward to.

Have a wonderful half term and we look forward to seeing you all in a week, after some rest.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

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