Friday, 11 May 2018

Summer is here!

We are all thoroughly enjoying the sunshine and being allowed on the field for breaks and lunchtimes. Long may it last!

Royal Wedding Celebrations

The wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle

On Friday 18th May we will be linking with the Infant school to celebrate the royal wedding.  We would like all the children to wear red, white and blue (a non-uniform day) in the spirit of the occasion! 

During the morning there will be a range of cross-curricular royal activities. There will also be a charity run –  to raise money for the NSPCC. Please don't forget to sponsor your children!

The infants will be collecting money to go towards funds being raised for Jossie’s life saving treatment. If you would like to contribute to that collection as well, do please send in some money and we will add it to the collection in the infants.

In the afternoon, weather permitting, there will be a 'street party' outside.
The children will need to bring in a small, disposable plate of food to eat at the street party (please note that we are unable to store in the fridge).  They will not need a lot of food as they will have had lunch an hour earlier.  As there are some children in school with a severe nut allergy, we politely remind you to ensure that your child's party food is nut-free.

Whilst in the classroom, despite the heat, we have been working hard as always. In English, we have started a new text type called 'Warning stories' which is a five part story with a warning. The modelled example we have chosen to use is called the Caravan, a short extract is written below to give you a flavour of it. The children will hopefully be creating their own warning story using ideas and vocabulary from the Caravan but from their chosen setting. Why not talk yo your child about what setting they may have chosen?

In Maths we have been looking at 2d and 3d shapes, recognising them and talking about their properties. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary like - dimension, vertex, parallel, perpendicular, horizontal, vertical, edge, faces, prism, cylinder and sphere. Why not ask your child if they can explain what these words mean?
On Thursday afternoon we had a real treat in Cedar and on Friday for Rowan, where we made the 3d shapes out of clicksy, art straws, nets and tried to draw them which was exceptionally hard.

Creative Curriculum
n the creative curriculum we continue to enjoy our topic on the Vikings, which came alive more last week when we dedicated a whole day of learning to it. We are learning about where the Vikings travelled from and to, what they did when they arrived and why and about their daily lives. 
Use the link below to consolidate and extend your learning.

Optional homework
Lastly, there is an optional homework, which is to enter the school book competition.
The competition is to design an advertising poster encouraging everyone to read.
There are 5 prizes of £5 vouchers to spend at the fair
The closing date is Tuesday 15th of May so they don't have long.
The book fair is on May the 16th and 17th.
It would be lovely to see some entries from year 3.

Have a wonderful weekend, let's hope there continues to be sunshine.

The Year 3 Team

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