Saturday, 25 February 2017

Back to school!

The children have settled back into the school routine after their half term break. In fact a couple of teachers have approached us saying how they are really impressed by the mature working attitude, organisation and enthusiasm the year 3's have. They may still be the youngest in the school but they are rising to all the challenges that face them. Well done year 3.

We have started a new text type this week in English, it is non chronological reports. The children have written a report about Triceratops using a 5 paragraph box it. Why not ask them what a 'box it' is? Or perhaps ask them to show you their actions for the box it!

In Maths Mrs Mercer and Mrs Gaines set are revisiting place value and number and Mr Clifford's set have been looking at Measurement and time.

The children have moved onto hockey in PE and are enjoying learning the new skills of dribbling and applying it to their game.

In science this week we looked at the joints in our body and then had an end of unit test. Why not ask your child if they can tell you the names of our joints and where they are in the body. Next week we are moving onto the new topic of plants.

We have had a couple of assembly practices this week and hopefully we will have a chance to practice in the hall next week. We are looking forward to performing it for you all on Friday morning.

Please remember that it is Book Day on Thursday. The children have been asked to dress up as book characters and on this day we will have an opportunity in class to write our own stories.

Thank you again for your continued support, we do really appreciate your help with homework, reading records and sending the children to school ready and keen to work.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

The year 3 team

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