Sunday, 27 November 2016

Our speed stacking stars!

A group of year 3 went to  Roundwood Park school on Thursday afternoon to represent Crabtree in a speed stacking competition. They all had a wonderful time and were thrilled to come 2nd in the competition. Here are some photos that capture the moment for you all to enjoy.

This week we have started looking at a new text type in English- instructional writing. We wrote about the steps needed to 'Trap a Troll'. Next week we are writing the instructions about how to make a plastic bag kite. We will be including all the grammar we have been taught- time connectives, adverbs, imperatives verbs and the use of a comma in a list. Why not ask your child what each of these mean and how they could include them in their writing?

In Maths Mr Clifford's class started to look at fractions and Mrs Gaines and Mrs Mercer's class continued to look at multiplication and division.

We also handed all the parts out for our plan entitled 'The disgruntled snowman', so we had to mention that word... Christmas, and it is still only November!

As the weather is changing, please can we remind parents and children to ensure they have warm clothes (skins and fleeces) for PE, as it continues to be taught outside whatever the weather.

If possible please can you send your child in with a plastic bag on Friday, or before, this is to hopefully use our well written, clear and comprehensive instructions to make a kite.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Blog, we hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend.

The year 3 team

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