Great actions to the gift of the Nile song. |
Fabulous costumes at the Pharoah's palace |
Tributes to the King |
More lively actions |
We all had great fun performing it to the school and our parents. |
This week we performed our assembly to the school and our parents. Everyone was brilliant. Lines were delivered clearly, songs sung beautifully and lyrics learnt well and the costumes were super too. Thank you for coming to support us.
In addition to a wonderful assembly we have also been very busy in the classroom. We have been looking at the test type of narration and enjoying a book called 'The Hodgeheg'. Within the fortnight we have read the book, thoughtfully discussed the vocabulary of King-Smith and learnt lots of new grammar skills. These skills include- inserting clauses to add detail, using a connective to join two simple sentences, being descriptive by using similies and adding in specch to develop our characters.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed it, here are some samples of some of the work written.
Max gazed up at the moon, it looked like a light bulb, then he slipped outside the gate. He listened to the vehicles on the road, the noise was like the world's noisiest party.
This time he went to see how most hedgehogs kept being hit by those noisy monsters. It was human rush hour so he kept close to the hedge. This was only the start of the adventure.
Max scurried down the pavement as fast as his sturdy, little legs could carry him. He carelessly walked over the road but a gigantic lorry came thundering along and almost flattened Max underneath its massive, black tyres.
In Maths both classes are continuing to look at multiplication and division. Looking at how to use mental strategies to answer calculations and learning more formal written methods too. Next step fractions!
In Science we have enjoyed the hands on opportunity of our school field being used for a geography enquiry. Last week, a man bought a huge machine onto the field to test the soil. We saw, heard and watched him take samples from the field using a digger. He used a bore to dig a bore hole, about 6 metres deep, and then took the samples away to be tested. We were given a couple of samples to look at - one chalk and one clay. We were able to compare them both and noticed how different they were.
We are looking forward to seeing how the soil type affects what happens to our field.