Friday, 7 November 2014

Light at the end of the tunnel.


Next week we will begin thinking about our class assembly. You will have come home today with your script, so pleased start to learn your words.

Here is a link to the song we will be singing,so you can start practising.

It would be great if as many of you as possible could come dressed in Egyptian themed costumes for the assembly and of course you will get to use them again for our Egyptian Day on 9th December.

We will perform the assembly to the school on Wednesday 26th November ( dress rehearsal) and then again to parents and families on Thursday 27th November 9.10am.

Other news

The teachers have enjoyed reading your stories this week related to the story "The Tunnel" by Anthony Browne.

If you want to read any other Anthony Browne books here is a link to show you what other books he has written. Perhaps something to put on your Christmas list!!

Formerly an artist, Anthony Browne's books are full of wonderful details that will keep you fascinated.

Well done to you all for the enthusiasm you have shown in the topics we have been learning about it school. It's lovely to see many of you bringing in things from home to show and finding out about trips you have been on to support your learning.
Next term we will be starting a Geography topic based on the immediate environment around the school. If you have any relatives who have been living in the area along time or know of a neighbour who is particularly knowledgeable on the area, ask them what it was like 30 or 50 years ago around Crabtree Schools?

Next week will be a bit of a 'show us what you can do' week. The teachers are looking for you to showing off all your new skills in reading, writing and maths in some planned tests.

Have a lovely weekend.

We hope you get to enjoy some fireworks but remember to stay safe.

The Year 3 teachers.

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