Thursday, 9 October 2014

Muddle is Max in a.

No special notices for next week. 

The teachers really enjoyed reading your writing based on "The Hodgeheg" this week. We particularly liked the description of different settings from Max's point of view. Here is a sample;

Max found himself in a strange place. There were lots of little monsters silently writing on pieces of paper. On a door there was a colourful rainbow. On the rainbow there was red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. A big monster had a desk with a bin as stinky as a bog. "I'm scared," whispered Max to himself. Everyone was rocking on their chairs. Up down up down. Max nearly got squashed! He tried to push a door open but a girl saw him! "Mrs Meredith," the girl screeched! Max tried to run but the teacher saw him. A boy caught him and gave Max to a teacher. "Let's get you some freedom," said the teacher. 

(Charlotte D Rowan)

Max found himself in strange place. There were tables with small humans leaning over them. There was also a large human speaking to the smaller humans in a language he didn't understand one bit! The tables were about ten hedgehogs tall. Max noticed that the smaller humans were all wearing the same clothes as each other! Around the room were some exquisite displays and decorations pinned up on the walls and there was also a circle with numbers and two arrows moving round very, very, very slowly to the right. Also there was a place where there were coats, bags, jumpers and hats. 

(Alastair Cedar)

Next week we will continue reading "The Hodgeheg" by Dick King Smith.

In Science, we have some fun things planned involving some yummy foods and a special visitor!

Here are some photos from this week's Science, where we were looking at different soil types.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Meredith & Mrs Wright

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