Friday, 30 March 2018

Happy Easter Everyone

What a treat Eisteddfod was!

We have had a wonderful fortnight at Crabtree. We have been treated by year 5 and 6 to a magical gym display that can only have inspired everyone, it was truly incredible. If that wasn't enough, this week we have been fortunate enough to see even more talent in the form of Eisteddfod.

Children from year 3 created paintings; baked cakes; created original art pieces; performed dances on stage; played the recorder in groups and so much more. See the photos below to give you an idea of the wonderful creative bunch we have in year 3.

Thank you to all of you who took part. It is a huge achievement for any pupil to participate, but particularly year 3 as you didn't really know what it entailed. WELL DONE.

And Marcus has only been playing a year! Amazing, well done.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Life in Year 3

We have had a  busy couple of weeks. Last week, we got to enjoy a fabulous assembly and the week before was book week. This week we have been enjoying and enduring assessments and they are nearly all over, just a writing assessment to go. The children had three maths tests (2 on reasoning and one on arithmetic), a spelling test, grammar test and a reading comprehension. The children took them all in their stride and rose to the occasion. Well done all of year 3. 

Some example questions in grammar would have been...

Sarah rode her bike down the street. 
Can you identify the verb?

Quickly, run to the bridge shouted Steve
Can you add the inverted commas to show what was said?

All the children listened when the Head teacher spoke.
Can you underline the subordinate clause?

Some example questions in Maths would have been...

Complete sequences by counting by sixths

12    ____     ______  30    36   42

  Write the number that is ...
   100 less  than 765

What is the number that is...

10 less than 134

10 more than 467

Next week we start the week with a celebration of Science. It is Science week nationally, and we are spending a day experimenting, exploring  and trying to explain why things happen. In Year 3 our theme is 'Colour Magic'. We will be using household products like Bicarbonate of soda, cornflour, white vinegar and food colouring to name a few and seeing what happens and when. Then we will try to explain the science behind it.

In addition to classroom activities, we are lucky enough to have the 'Mad Science' company coming into school to entertain and thrill the children with an exciting assembly. They are here to excite us with science but also to promote their new Science Club that will be open to all Crabtree junior children, at a small cost. Who knows maybe we have a budding Einstein or Katherine Harrington amongst us!

Not only is there Science day next week but there is also a wonderful Gym display to be enjoyed that year 5 and 6 have been working on. The whole school is watching it on Tuesday morning.

In the last week of school, there is the Eisteddfod festival.  This is a fabulous way for the children to display their talents in art and crafts, music, dance or some other hobby. It is a wonderful week, which everyone thoroughly enjoys. The children encouraged to bring in a cushion from home, as they spend a couple of afternoons sitting on the hall floor! 

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks for Parent Consultations.

The Year 3 Team

Friday, 2 March 2018

Jigsaw creative afternoon and Book day!

We hope you enjoy reading our Blog. 

Photos of Rowan will be added next week as there was a technical hitch, please bear with us.
Creating our bug hotels

Concentrating on accurately painting

Creating a bug's play area with artificial grass and mini bug stones.

 A very natural bug hotel with sticks and real moss. A real haven for any mini beast!

Creating a tree house to decorate our garden.

Creating model animals to decorate our gardens.

A weatherproof bug hotel to protect them from the elements!

Teamwork and co-operation

A greenhouse creation for our garden.

Willy Wonka

Corella and a cute Dalmatian

Our little Irish dancing girl

Where's Wally?

Who's under those wigs?

Billionaire boy!

'Where for art thou Juliet?'

Beware of the woods!

What's in the diary?

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!'

'I'd love a marmalade sandwich!'

'Show us your teeth, unless you're toothless!'

We have had a wonderful couple of weeks doing fun activities. We are currently studying non-chronological report writing in English and using Ricky Gervais 'Flanimals' as our stimulus. In Maths we have revisited fractions and in Science we have started a new topic called 'Plants'. However, it is difficult to see new growth emerging underneath all this snow! We have started practising our assembly songs and words and you're in for a real treat next Friday. Let's hope this snow doesn't last for long though as we do need some practising time, so do be patient with us. 

For homework this week we would like the children to learn their words for the assembly and their song words, which we have put on this blog in case anyone has mislaid them.

Happy practising and we look forward to seeing you all on Friday morning at 9am.

Keep safe in the snow but enjoy it.
The Year 3 Team

Food groups are rockin’

Food groups are rockin tonight x 2
Everybody’s feeling alright
Food groups are rockin tonight
We’re gonna have some fun
When breakfast comes
’Cause food groups are rockin tonight.

Vegetables like broccoli,
Peas and Brussels sprouts,
Keep our bodies healthy from the inside out!
We need dairy every day,
Like milk and cottage cheese,
To keep our bones growing strong
So we don’t get weak at the knees.

Food groups are rockin tonight x 2
Everybody’s feeling alright
Food groups are rockin tonight
We’re gonna have some fun
When lunch comes
’Cause food groups are rockin tonight.

Apples, bananas, and oranges are fruits
That taste so sweet.
But don’t let them fool you.
They’ve got lots of vitamin C.
Grains to give us energy like cereal and bread.
The fuel you’re body needs to burn
Just like your ‘momma’ said.

Food groups are rockin tonight x 2
Everybody’s feeling alright
Food groups are rockin tonight
We’re gonna have some fun
When dinner comes
’Cause food groups are rockin tonight.

You’ve got to have some protein
Like chicken, fish and steak.
It helps you build strong muscles
So you can play all day.

Eat a little from each food group
Every single day,
If you do, I promise you
You’ll chase those blues away.

Food groups are rockin tonight x 2
Everybody’s feeling alright
Food groups are rockin tonight
We’re gonna have some fun
When dinner comes
’Cause food groups are rockin tonight.

Name those bones.
Name those bones.
Name those bones.
I have a cranium, for my brainium.
And a mandible that's, my jawbone.
And there's my clavicle, that's my collarbone.
And my sternum keeps my ribs at home.
Name those bones.
Name those bones.
All my vertebrae are running down my back
From my head to my pelvic bone.
My femur fits in there, a leg bone I declare
It's the longest bone that I have grown.
Name those bones.
Name those bones.
Patella fits in next, that's my kneecap,
And below it are two more leg bones.
My tibia in front, my fibula in back,
Keep me running at school or home.
Name those bones.
Name those bones.
Now moving down my arm, let's start with humerus
Followed by two more arm bones.
There's an ulna and a radius
My ulna makes up my elbow bone.
Name those bones.
Name those bones.
All my fingers, all my toes,
They're called phalanges, everybody knows.
And on my back you'll find, two shoulder blades in line,
We call them scapula every time.
Name those bones.
Name those bones.