Year 3 have been really busy this week and we are thrilled to say they have risen to the challenges despite being tired. This week we have performed our play- 'The Disgruntled Snowman' to the whole school and year 2 plus siblings. The show was brilliant and we were paid lots of lovely compliments by other children and staff. We are now looking forward to showing it off to family and friends on Monday afternoon and evening. Please see the Crabtree website for times of performances but please can children return back to school tomorrow night at 5.50pm, ready to start at 6pm. A huge thank you for all the efforts with wonderful costumes, the children all really looked the part.
Alongside rehearsing the play we have squeezed in a Science assessment on rocks and soils, learning about Limericks and in Maths Mr Clifford's class were learning about fractions and Mrs Gaines and Mrs Mercer's set were handling data. A very busy week..
This week the homework we have set is a comprehension task from our year 3 book, it is a poem comprehension to practice what skills we have learnt in class. We also set spellings, which is a revision of past words on the statutory year 3 list.
We would like to say thank you for your continued support with homework, it is really appreciated.
Last week we set a homework on the website mymaths, it is an excellent website that is available to all Crabtree pupils. It is not only for homework that we set, the children can logon at anytime and play games or go through work they might be finding tricky. It has online tutorials that helps refresh their minds and games to consolidate their work. In addition to this, as a school, we also subscribe to DB Primary, which is an online learning platform. It has educational games and is a safe and fun way for the children to communicate with friends online. If you have any problems using either of these, please do not hesitate to ask us for help.
We hope to see many of you tomorrow afternoon or evening. We will endeavour to take some photos and short videos of the performance and hope to Blog some of them.
The year 3 team