Sunday, 23 October 2016

Half term holidays

We have had a wonderful seven weeks in year 3. We have settled into new routines, had two dressing up days, learnt about the Egyptians, created play scripts, stories and newspapers, tested and experimented with rocks, been gymnasts, learnt new mathematical strategies like column addition and subtraction, created computer games using the program scratch and sung new songs in French, but most importantly we have made new friends and met our new teachers.

Well done year 3, you have all thoroughly immersed yourselves into the Junior School and we hope you are enjoying it.

Have a safe, fun-filled and rested half term break.

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 31st October.

If you find yourself at a loose end, please click on the links to find some games you might enjoy.

We set one homework, it was to do the next comprehension in the book, please.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

PE Message form Mrs Tizzard

P.E lessons at Crabtree

Dear Parents

Please can I remind you that your child has an indoor lesson of gym and an outdoor lesson on the field each week this term. The weather has got a lot colder and your child will need a P.E fleece to wear during the out door session. The school shop sell a reversible fleece which is not only warm but shower proof and a great price so can I encourage you to get one of these. Please can joggers be navy or black and ensure your child has P.E socks to wear as often their socks will get wet and so to wear their school socks is not ideal. 

Children seem to be taking their kits/trainers/boots home which is fine but it must be brought back into school for their P.E lessons as there are too many children not having all the correct kit in school and then having to borrow kit. Finally I am still finding kit with no names in please can you ensure all kit is named. 

We have had an excellent start to the year and I look forward to working with your children throughout the year.

Mrs Tizard

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Sedimentary sandwiches!

This week we had lots of fun in science learning about the three different rocks types. Why not ask you son or daughter if they can remember the names? Hopefully, they will   remember the one we tried to recreate in class, in the form of sandwiches! Messy but fun. Look at the photos below to see how they did it.

In both Maths groups we continue to look at number mainly addition and subtraction, both mental and more formal strategies. We will then move onto multiplication and division. In English we have been looking at the text type of Journalistic writing, which we linked with our creative currciulum of Egyptians. We heard all about Howard Carter and why he is remembered. Why not ask your son or daughter, what Carter did? Or perhaps you could ask them what the key features of a newspaper are?

Just in case anyone missed the year 3 email that was sent out yesterday, we have asked the children to bring in a smooth, potato sized pebble, a soil sample from the garden and a jam jar if possible please. A note about the comprehension, we tried to link this week's English task to newspapers and  asked the children to complete 'Robotic penguins' not the next comprehension in the book. This is obviously not a problem if the message didn't get home or post it note not in place.

The year 3's are all settling in and definitely getting into the routines of the Junior School. Thank you for your continued support with homework, routines and encouraging independence. It is really appreciated and very evident in the classroom. Thank you.

The year 3 teachers

Creating our layers!

Team work

Team work!

It was messy work but fun!

Messy play but lots of fun!

Can you spot the layers?

Team work!

Great fun enjoyed by all!
