Friday, 5 December 2014

Next Week

Monday -dress rehearsal of 'The Most Magical Place of All' to school. Don't forget your costume and learn your lines for the songs and play.

Tuesday - Egyptian Day - another chance to wear your Egyptian costume. A fun day is planned.

Wednesday - Performance in the afternoon and evening. Come back to school at 6.10pm

Notices for the last week of term

Grandparents tea party - letters came home yesterday. 16th December Tuesday

17th Christmas parties in the afternoon - bring your party clothes.

19th - End of term - early finish 2pm

Well done for all your hard work this week with rehearsals. It's been a busy week putting on a show in a week, but I think your parents will be proud of your performance.

We have squeezed in some Literacy this week too. We had fun performing our playscripts to each other and have been writing instructions for Christmas decorations and art work.

We hope to see many of you at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday.

Have a great weekend

The Year 3 team