Thursday, 26 June 2014

Back to the routine!

It has been a very busy few weeks with assessment week and multi-cultural week but this week we have settled back into the normal routine of the timetabled lessons. The children have been given homework and spellings this week and should be completed as normal.

The literacy homework this week is to find an advert from a magazine or on the internet which illustrates a toy which you would NOT recommend others to buy because it is too expensive or too dangerous or not practical etc. The advert should be a cut out and not stuck into the home work journals as we shall be starting to look at adverts and persuasive writing next week.

Year 3 have also started a new Science topic called Magnets and Springs. Next week we shall be conducting an experiment to identify which materials and metals are magnetic. If you could possibly bring in a metal object which could be tested in our experiment it would be greatly appreciated. We shall be conducting the experiment on Tuesday.

Next Friday 4th July, the Junior school shall be hosting an Art Exhibition displaying the children’s work which they created during multi-cultural week. The exhibition shall begin at 3pm until 4pm and take place in your child’s classroom. The picture which your child created will be displayed in a frame with a title and their name. If you would like to purchase your child’s framed work it will be £5. The money is going towards the resources used to create the artwork and towards the artists Angela and Liz who were hired to come in during multi-cultural week to do an art workshop with each class to create this lovely piece of art work. A letter was sent home this week and the children have created their own invitations to give you on Friday. We hope to see you there!


Have a lovely weekend and we hope you can join us at the school fete this Saturday!


Mrs Meredith and Miss Shefford

Friday, 20 June 2014


I hope the children have enjoyed this week as much as the teachers. It has been great fun learning all about Brazil and observing the children participate in a range of creative activities.

In Year 3 the topics included; the location of Brazil and the people that live there, weather and climate, children in Favelas, Carnival and music, traditional sweets and foods, the Amazon Rainforest and sports. Thank you to all the parents for your wonderful food contributions. It made snack time more interesting for a few days!

Reading Records
Thank you to the children who regularly bring in their reading records on a Monday morning. Apologies from the Year 3 team that we haven't always managed to keep up with the system that we put in place.
As we are drawing close to the end of the year, we have decided that it would be better if the children keep recording any reading done at home on a daily basis and that we will take all reading records in on the 14th July (not at all before then). At this stage, we will calculate any outstanding certificates and award those before the end of the school year. So please keep reading!

Also, we wish to make you aware that if your child does not follow the school rules for walking down to the swimming pool at Aldwickbury on Mondays, then there is a possibility that they could be walked back to school and will have to miss their lesson. We appreciate that it is quite a long way, but after several reminders there are still a handful of children who are not consistently walking sensibly and quietly with their partner to the pool. We would appreciate your support with this matter.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Meredith & Miss Shefford

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The children have worked really hard on their assessments this week and we will let you know their progression in their reports which shall be sent home in July.

We have got lots of exciting things planned for the next few weeks, starting with next week which is our multi-cultural week which is based on Brazil.

We have started to do some research on Brazil in ICT lessons using a search engine effectively which the children are really enthusiastic and excited about!

Just a reminder the homework this week is to create a Brazilian food dish and bring it in Wednesday 18th June. This is an optional activity but it would be nice if everyone could take part. We will have a taster session on Wednesday morning in class! Please remember if you are creating a dish that there are no nuts due to allergies.

There will not be any maths homework or spellings sent home this week or next due to assessment week and multi-cultural week.

Also, could you please bring in an empty, clean tin can (of any size) for Wednesday as we shall be making drums during the afternoon!

Next Friday afternoon there shall be a Carnival presentation where I’m sure you will get to see some of the lovely work produced that week. Information to follow shortly.

Please make sure your child has a water bottle and sun hat in school.

Have a good weekend and enjoy the lovely weather!

Mrs Meredith and Miss Shefford

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Welcome back

We hope that you all had a restful holiday and that the children are ready for a fun packed final half term in Year 3.

This week the children have been looking at Non-Chronological Reports in Literacy , specifically focusing on reviews of computer games. This week for homework we are asking the children to practise writing their own reviews using the headings given.

The children can have a play of this game, which we will evaluate in school.

Next week is assessment week and the children will be sitting a range of tests to assess their progress in Maths, Reading, Writing, Science and Spelling. It would be helpful if the children can make sure they have the necessary equipment in school i.e. a sharp pencil and a rubber.

Also, for some light relief in the afternoon, we will be beginning a new project of photograph frames. If the children could bring a photograph frame for next Thursday (12th) for us to evaluate that would be very helpful.

The week after next is Multicultural Week  (week beginning 16th June) and this year's theme is Brazil. We are hoping to make some drums, Could the children please bring in a tin can, the type used for baked beans. Any size will do, although ideally the larger the better.

Thank you in anticipation for your help

Mrs Meredith & Miss Shefford